Senior Design
My senior design project is “Detailed Analysis of Serverless Functions”, where me and my group will be looking at common serverless function providers in the cloud, and doing a security analysis. More specifically what we are hoping to inspect and detail, either vulnerabilities or protections against, is side channel attack like Spectre or Flush+Reload. Side channel attacks are attacks that exploit that inherent state change in a processor from use by multiple people, and steal data about the other people running code without needing to interact directly with the other running code.
My role in the project is testing design. This is a rather important role in our project, as we are emulating the cloud environment to not cause harm to the public cloud. So the testing environment that I build needs to replicate the cloud as close as possible if we want to accurately get results.
I have gained a ton of knowledge about new coding language Ruby that I will be attempting to write my side channel attacks in, alongside rather large amounts again about how processors, and their cache works to further understand and perform a side channel attack.
A link to our senior design website